Friday, December 1

Hang the DJ

I just watched the Russell Brand show. Very funny Russell, shut your legs Courtney there's a bus reversing, hurry up with the music I've not heard this new song yet. Oh here it is, jolly goo... Oh. My. God.

I fancy Morrisey!

Where the hell did that come from?


Ordinary Girl said...

God knows, but lose it, lose it now!!

Dave said...

Hello.Because of the Morrissey thing you are about to become the offical e-luv person of the week. It will change your life. Possibly.

Angela-la-la said...

LOL@OG, I'm medicating myself with regular looks at fwengebaby's sexy email and I think it's working.

Dave, me luv e-luv (bum, that sounds a bit Gary Glitter when I read it back, that's not good!)

MommyHeadache said...

That Morrissey thing is a bit odd. I could understand it when he was young and used to dance around with those gladioli down his trousers. But he's getting on a bit now isn't he? Still, if you think there's something there, why not stalk him ? ;)

Anonymous said...

I've read this post 17 times and I still don't fucking get it.

Plus I was getting extremely flattered until I remembered I sent you soft she-porn.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm.... I think this is going to be one of those posts that I'm just never going to get because I live on the wrong continent. :(