Friday, January 12


I've just discovered that the sink in my 'still new enough to make me smile as I clean it' kitchen doesn't have an overflow outlet. I discovered this because I got distracted by the contents of my freezer after I'd taken out what I wanted and felt the need to have an impromptu tidy up since my hands were already cold from finding tonights dinner.

I'm easily distracted at the best of times, my mind is always going a million miles an hour and looking for new things to think about. Lately tho it's worse than ever and causing me to become so ditzy that, when babygirl mentioned that she was going to ask me to settle a discussion last night, No 1 Son said 'don't bother, Mum's mental'.

I spent yesterday typing up a mates coursework. He sat next to me verbalising pages and pages of case studies and theoretical essays, I ran my fingers over the keyboard imagining them running over a nice pair of thighs, typed 'clit' instead of 'client', paused to look at the first three letters of 'cumulative' and 'dichotomy' before tearing myself away from the k key and generally squirmed in my chair. A lot. And that was before receiving an extremely hot text which made me blush and mate smile knowingly before continuing to talk about shifting perceptions. Or shifting positions, as I initially typed it.

Even this, relatively short, post has taken me an age; being distracted by an email in the midst of it. I should mop up the kitchen really, seeing as I'm wet in all senses of the word. I did start to but got distracted.

It may be slightly inconvenient in a practical sense but by gods thong it's good!


having my cake said...

So, this is where you've been hiding!

Vi said...

Lucky you, being wet all over!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Bitch, this was priceless! Laughing my ass off (wish that were literal). Not only am I identifying fully with the distractibility, but I absolutely love what kept distracting you -- sexual word play. You really are my kind of woman.

I blame it all on hormones.

Mummy said...

ooo - who is sending you dirty texts/emails ?

Angela-la-la said...

Let's just call him Mr Motivator for now, joie... ;-)

(That will make more sense when I finish the draft I started days ago - but, er, got distracted from!)

Anonymous said...

Just be careful with the address book when distracted FB, I nearly sent a rather suggestive and pervy email to one of my forces mates instead of the inteded recipient the other day and noticed just as I was about to hit send.

The Nothing Man said...

It's nice to be distracted. I'm always distracted at work, often to the point where I'm warned about it by my boss!