Monday, February 19

Time marches

Well, sometimes it does anyway. Sometimes it races, usually when an appointment is fast approaching and the traffic jam just isn't moving. On occasion it pootles along at just the right pace. Each minute lasting a perfect sixty seconds, sixty of those making up the comfortable passing of an hour, weeks being a good 7 days worth of time.

And then there are the times that it drags. No, not drags, creeps. Creeps, wheezing with the effort of moving at all, hauling it's bloated arse slower than a geriatric snail with a mogadon habit and stopping every now and then to flip you the finger.

Last July we had our first contact with the police. In a fortnights time we find out whether we have to testify at a full trial or not.

These are going to be 14 very non-marching days till that day in March.


Midnight said...

Hmm marking time eh FB! What's the story or can't you say?

Lady in red said...

sorry to hear you are in the waiting stage....a bit like the last stage of pregnancy when you just want it all to be over.

good luck

Vi said...

Yeah mate, at least it will soon all be over.

Ordinary Girl said...

Stick with it FB. After what you've been through to get here, 14 days is a drop in the ocean!!