Friday, March 16

See my big red one

The book was made on time (with 45 mins to spare, actually!). I didn't make the selection but buy it anyway cos that alone must mean it's really quite very funny.

Much funnier than this daft picture of me.

Happy red nose day, everyone!


HKMGB said...

Oh God, you've got a gammy eye. Yuk.

MommyHeadache said...

I got in and I'm buying copies for everyone I know for Christmas. Just planning ahead.

Vi said...

You stunner you!!! I can't believe you didn't get in!!!!

Oh and I didn't get in because I was aussie, because it was open to any bloggers based in the uk.

Ordinary Girl said...

Check you out angie baby!! You look nothing like your profile pic in this photo. Is your hair different?

Will check out the book...

Angela-la-la said...

Lambent - I do not have a gammy eye, you div. I'm looking at the camera to find the button to press! Anyway, get back under my bed, I've not finished with you yet xx

Emma - yeah, cheers for rubbing that in! :-)

Vi - thanks, darlin! Shitty photography skills are as good as a soft focus lens any day!

OG - Hair is longer and straighter, my eyes are open and I'm not purple-ised so that could be it!

Vi said...

i think we should publish our own book FB. Get 'Blogland' rolling!

Timbo said...

That nose bears an uncanny resemblance to Tom Cruise AKA Maverick from Top Gun.

And that alone is funnier than the whole of Red Nose Day combined into one.

MommyHeadache said...

Sorry FB for rubbing it in. I'm not really a bitch, honest ;)

Angela-la-la said...

Vi, I'm seriously considering writing the story of your life. Every UK supermarket I know is selling a 'bad childhood' real life story paperback, I reckon we can pre-empt the 'bad young adulthood' trend that's bound to follow and make us some moolah!

Timbo, you don't know how flattered I am by that comment. So, there's a relief that didn't cost me a quid or ten.

Anonymous said...

nice pic fb, x

Anonymous said...

He he he he he.