You couldn't make it up
My mother, in her standard victim-y fashion, has been using my brother as a go between to take items belonging to step-dad and hand them over in various lay-bys. The most recent meeting they had was a few days before last tuesdays plea and directions hearing. Brother isn't a big talker anyway and finds these occassions particularly awkward, but found himself more lost for words than ever when stepdad said
"If the case gets thrown out due to a technicality, do you think your mother would let me move back in? I mean, nothing would have been proven, right?"
The scary thing is... do you think she would!!
You know what, mate? If it had been kept quiet and no-one knew, I think she may well have done.
Not sure what one can say to that!
the living cheek! i'm speechless.
I know the feeling, Cat, I know it well.
Fucking hell, Rach! I bet no-ones made you speechless before have they, babe? ;-) xx
hang in there sexy, you know there are people who care about you :o)
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