Wednesday, July 11

Why I don't work in a cafe anymore

That heap of mushroomy gunk is my very best attempt at treating myself to a nice omelette for lunch.


Joanna Cake said...

Looks fine to me!

Angela-la-la said...

You're biased cos you don't have to eat it! ;-)

Still on for sunday? I should have my new, PINK, grappling gloves by then... *stupid great big easily pleased grin*

Joanna Cake said...

Come on, Ive just made and eaten what purported to be a ham and lettuce toastie when I put the ingredients together. My face now feels like Ive slapped grease all over it...
I'll be there! x

Vi said...

Mate, instead of trying to turn it over, flash the uncooked bit under a grill!

My lunch was sushi. Now will be eating constantly rest of day. Day two no fags.

Midnight said...

Oh dear. Definitely more Angela than Nigella. A little more practice perhaps?

Richard said...

As long as it tastes good...

Anonymous said...

Looked okay to me. Then again, I can't cook. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's better than I could do. I didn't even know how to make scrambled eggs until I was 28.

Anonymous said...

I think that looks pretty tasty actually. I think I'll make one for dinner, following your visual recipe.

Anonymous said...

I had that at the chinese the other week and it was in several pieces. Tastes great though, so who cares?

Mungo said...

I'm sure it was wonderful really. I have to agree with Vi - grill it, dont turn it!

Troika said...

That reminds me of when I was a kid and used to share a bath with my Gran.

"Is it dead gran?"


"Then why are al its guts hanging out?"


MommyHeadache said...

What's wrong with it, it's not raw or burnt is it? You're being too hard on yourself ange.

Ordinary Girl said...

Have to say I find it hard to see where the problem is? Is it easy to tell the cooks from the non-cooks? :-)

As long as it's edible, bugger what it looks like!

Angela-la-la said...

I did finish it under the grill (to make the extra mature cheddar melt on top properly) then worked really hard with a spatula to fold it in half so the filling was captured in the middle of the eggy goodness...

But it still flopped onto the plate like a rat-arsed bloke with erectile dysfunction and a burnt underside.

Joanna Cake said...

Wot ordinary girl and emmak said! You're a perfectionist, that's your trouble!