Tuesday, August 7


I'm fiddling about with templates so just pretend you can't see this, ok? Especially if you're allergic... *cough*Cakey!*cough*

or this...
God, I'm just so artistic given the chance! Actually, it's more that my plan to create sparks between the sheets was banjaxed so I'm left creating style sheets with spark instead.


MommyHeadache said...

If you're asking for comments I'd say that daisies and lilies don't seem to reflect your personality. you're more prickly, no?...so, I'm thinking, a cactus motif? with the tag line...'I'm prickly when I'm aroused.'

Joanna Cake said...

LMAO at emmak. She definitely has a point! boom boom

Are those daisies? So far the allergy only extends to pink lillies so what are those pink puffballs?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the flowers are pink, which is definitely your colour, but do seem to be too delicate for a strong and gutsy woman. :)

Miss Tickle said...

Flowers! Pink! Woo!

Angela-la-la said...

Thank you for the feedback, ladies, watch this space for there are changes afoot and your input has been invaluable.

Oh, and thank you for the laugh, blammer. Or should that be splogger? Blog spammer, or spam blogger... hmm. Maybe it should be blimper - blog pimper? Ooh, the possibilities are endless and that's just in my tiny mind, there's a whole new post in here I reckon!

Angela-la-la said...

Oops, I forgot a bit.

They are neither pink daisies nor, Cakey, 'pink puffballs' - they are gerbera, a relative of the sunflower.

And I've not even started my floristry course yet! So there, philistines :oP

Vi said...

So you are obviously going to 'create' a new blog look with your new 'career' in line.

Ahhhhh, it's all coming up roses!!!!

Ariel said...

Your new template ideas are making me sneeze uncontrollably...

Angela-la-la said...

Vi, kind of. I'm in desperate need of cash at the moment so I'm teaching myself a new skill that I can then pimp out to help pay for life while I'm learning floristry!

Ariel, I am sorry - maybe you and cakey can share anti-histamines?

Blimey, the internet is so lifelike these days. Computer virii are one thing but computer allergies?

Midnight said...

How Girlie is that! Don't you dare put anything remotely pink and fluffy on my blog while I'm away!

Joanna Cake said...

Now that sounds like a dare!