Monday, December 11

Because awards are insignificant, but blogs are not

The Insignificant Awards is the world's most unheard of blog competition. It's a place for the undiscovered to be discovered.

As the annual weblog popularity competitions begin once more, we at The Insignificant Headquarters wish to praise, encourage and salute the unknown blogs that sit in the unrewarded wilderness. Those blogs that will never be voted for by the masses. Those bloggers who will never be nominated for anything (but should be).

I couldn't help but nominate myself for Andre & Co's silliness (they dangled a prize of biscuits ffs - it was almost like they knew I was the ultimate hob-nob ho!) Anyway, now I've done it I want to win it. It's the same with anything I enter under duress and/or drink. Pub quizzes, karaoke contests, wet t-shirt competitions, raffles; you name it and I've signed up delirious then sobered up quickly and desperately wanted to come first. Yeah, initially it's just a laugh but once I'm in I want to win, goddamit!

If you really loved me you'd click the link, add a comment and nominate me. If you don't nominate me you'll, er, make the baby Jesus cry (for atheist readers: if you don't nominate me your toenails and armpits will succumb to virilent fungal infection and fall off in the supermarket, leper styley. You'll never be able to shop there again. Do you really want to take that risk? Vote now to save your precious armpits!

You know it makes sense (even if I don't)


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why, but reading about wet t-shirts reminded me that you promised us a picture a while back. Not that I can remember what the promised picture was. I'd settle for a wet t-shirt one though.

Eileen Dover said...

Hmm. Which link do I click? I'd love to vote for you!

Eileen Dover said...

Ignore my stupidity.

I found it, and voted. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, right, done it. Would also like to vote for Tired Dad and Non-working Monkey but you got the info in first and are so very very insignificant in a daily visit kind of way.

Now WET T-SHIRT PICTURE reward, please.

Anonymous said...

Erm I can't find it! The link that is! Instructions please?

Mummy said...

i cant get the link either ... do they have an award for blonde posting bad links? or blonde unable to find easy links? we're def winners in that comp ;-)

Anonymous said...

Gawd, it's RIGHT HERE!

Vi said...

Ummmm, I'm with Sleepless and Joie. Can't find the f*cker!!!! Eileen and fwenwhatever are smarter than us!!!!!!

Eileen Dover said...


Ahh, in my pursuit of linkage I just didn't give up. :)

Angela-la-la said...

OK, firstly the link is at the bottom of the sidebar, under the insignificant button. I'm not quite sure if it takes votes to make the shortlist, actually I'm not quite sure they know themselves but sod it, until they say different I'm going for votes.

Thanks to those that already gave me one ;-) Eileen I spat all over my keyboard reading yours! (Having said that if you and I are ever in the same country and you fancy a pint I'll make good on it. I pull the best pints and the head has to be seen to be believed)

I'm doing laundry tomorrow so I'll be able to get a snap of a post-washer, pre-dryer t-shirt for the boys. Oh wait, I think you may have meant something else... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Done, sweetie.

And I can't wait to see the wet t-shirt, straight from the washing machine. Maybe I'll share a picture of socks, just before darning.

Ordinary Girl said...

Have voted for you too FB. (Though damn, I wish I'd found this first!!)

Vi said...

Also voted, baby!

Eileen Dover said...

Ooh, FB, I cannot WAIT to get some good head from you!!!

Anonymous said...

Doh! I must have been on the vino or something, it WAS kind of obvious after all! Ok you got my vote now!!!

Can I jump the queue for head though? Eileen always seems to get just in front of me!