Tuesday, October 10

Crap day ends in yay

What a bloody day! No email from L, tho if I wasn’t too exhausted to be optimistic I might say that’s cos he was complaining of feeling ill yesterday and it’s hit hard (like illness only ever hits men!) today. But I’m too exhausted so it’s cos he’s too ignorant a shit to say thanks but let’s not do it again, even tho he did lean in and kiss my cheek on two separate occasions as we said goodbye which led me to think he was fairly interested. Bleurgh.

So, take car to garage first thing this morning, walk the mile and a bit home doing a bit of shopping on the way. Muck about with blog settings trying to get my links to have little pink diamonds in front and fail miserably.

Do some housework, get sweaty and go for a shower to find there’s no hot water. Damn pilot light is off and no instructions from the manual are making it come on again (Not an altogether new situation, A could be a bit like that in the past). Phone landlord, have long flirty chat then wait for call from plumber that he’s going to contact.

Guy from the garage then calls to say they can’t find the lock for my wheel nuts. I tell him it’s most definitely in the glove-box, he says they’ve already tipped it out and it’s most definitely not. I sigh a lot and mutter about children moving things. He sighs a lot and I just know he’s muttering about women being allowed cars.

Walk back to the garage to collect car, book it in for Thursday, when the other part I need will hopefully be there, and drive home. To immediately find the nut un-locker the first place I looked. Which, to be fair, wasn’t the glove-box. It’s there now tho.

Drive to school to collect No 1 Son to be greeted with the news that there’s a Very Important Meeting that I simply must attend. Tonight. I go to every meeting they call at any of the three schools my children attend but this one is just too much. I don’t need to be told that No 1 Son needs to keep his GCSE coursework up to date. We both know this. We know these are important years and he should be foregoing all activities other than perhaps the Duck of Edinburgh Award. We know this is not the time for him to be slapdash and cavalier. He’s nearly fifteen. Of course he’s slapdash and cavalier! He’s running alive with hormones and growing at a rate of an inch a day.

Naturally, the minute I voice that I’ll have to miss this one as I have a karate grading he goes into ‘hurt’ mode. The same way he usually does when I say I’m going to a meeting at school, really… One deep and meaningful chat later and I’ve managed to negotiate going to my grading in exchange for typing up his English coursework. I think I lost that one.

AA (he of the intriguing profile) then called to say hi from Scotland
and that he was coming home a couple of days earlier than planned so could we meet up? Could we ever! As long as he’s not the mother-obsessed chubby-chasing-feeder of my nightmares I might have to jump the poor mans bones just to get some relief that isn’t from my own fair hand. I find I’m becoming less fussy and more bitchy as this sexual dry spell drags on into its fourth month…

I won’t bore you with the details of karate training, suffice to say lots of people had to duck out for anti-puking rests and water and I did think I was going to throw up at one point but kept going anyway cos I hadn’t eaten enough to bring back. And kept on going past the point when I thought I was going to die and on to the point that I stopped caring whether I did or not.

But I got my 3rd kyu (brown belt) at last so fucking great huge yay for me! On now to brandy, coke and No 1 Son’s coursework…

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