Pignorant selfarshe twunt!
A has given in to the stress and packed up teaching/training. Ostensibly for a few months but I can't see him coming back knowing that even more people will have graded above him in the meantime. Bad news for his ego but good news for me cos my schedule is fixed again since I'm not covering his classes left, right and up my own arse.
I let him know that our colleague had died and we had a quick catch-up chat. At training I passed on both his message of condolence and his offer to arrange the funeral but the family had already made arrangements. It's been requested that fellow karate-ka attending do so in club jackets and form a guard of honour outside the church. I've always refused to buy a club jacket. They're expensive for what they are, they're not particularly flattering and, worse, they don't come in pink.
I then have a lightbulb moment and text A asking to borrow his, explaining why. He comes back with 'What are the details and who is doing it?'.
Slightly shocked, I answer with as much detail as I have, which doesn't include the funeral directors name, address and VAT number cos it's just not what you ask grieving relatives at this sort of time, is it?
I get nothing. I leave it a few days while I nip off having dates and celebrating the birthdays of a niece (food and fun) and my self defence club (fighting and fun) then text again tonight being a little more assertive, 'Hiya, can I borrow your jacket for the funeral or not? You never did answer...'
I can safely promise that if any of my lads turn out that self-centred and weak-minded as adults I will personally powerslap them into next year before ingesting copious amounts of arsenic to atone for bringing up such fucking shitty human beings.
So you reckon he's going to do the guard thing instead and is too chicken to tell you?
Oh, and I've begrudgingly gave you an award on my blog, mate. Only because I was told to! ;P
Lol, that was my first thought as well Vi! You'll find him there on the day wearing his own jacket...
Have to agree with that one! Sounds like the sort of tosspot who will turn up for the "glory", and hasnt the balls to tell you! Whatever, there is no excuse for ignorance in this case. Perhaps you should suggest some karate practice sessions, and then kick his ass!!
God, with that attitude what chance does HIS meantime/future kids have to be decent individuals?
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