Sunday, January 21

Cold Turkey's not just for Boxing Day.

Today has been day 4 of my not ingesting nicotine in any form for the first time in 24 years. 24 out of 37 years. The vast majority of my life, ffs! That's simply crazy numbers, don't even start to think how much cash I've set light to.

I've quit before for varying lengths of time but always used nicotine replacement therapy and/or cheated and gone back to where I was. This time I simply decided I wasn't going to smoke the one cigarette I had in the house and, four full days later, I still haven't. It's up in the cupboard, along with one of my lighters. I haven't had any of the mood swings, the emotional aching, the chocolate obsessions, the mad cravings, the constant thoughts or the sheer hard work that my previous quits have brought me; in my mind I simply don't smoke anymore. Apparently, after 72 hours, my body is now free of nicotine so all I have to do is not put any more in it and restart the cycle.

Given this result, I'm going to try a similar tactic with another situation I have. A situation that would be ok - extremely beneficial, in fact - in moderation but, much like an alcoholic can't just have one drink, moderation appears to be impossible in this case and complete abstinence the only way forward for all concerned. No answering of any texts, mails or calls. No meeting for chats or drinks or dinners. Complete and utter cessation of communication until such time as... well, I don't know when, actually. Maybe forever. I know I'll never be able to be a 'social smoker' so maybe I ought to face up to the fact that I can't be 'just good friends' in this case.


Sexy Vixen said...

congratulations on not smoking. I quit 18 yrs ago but it was years before I stopped feeling miffed when my friends didnt offer me one when they were being shared out.

Angela-la-la said...

Welcome and thanks, vixen. I'll be relieved if no-one offers just so I don't take one out of pure muscle memory!

Persian Princess said...

good for you FB!! hope you keep it up - sounds like you're determined this time...well done! :-)

Vi said...

Here's another well done! I said I would finish after I had 3 left in my pack this morning. But no, another pack was bought.

Hey! You can't give up ALL your vices at once, girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that if Giuseppe Verdi had been born in England, his name would have been Joseph Green?

You did?

Thought so.

Midnight said...

Ooh well done FB! I admire your will power! Sometimes it's just bad for your health to have a little of a bad thing but it depends entirely on that particular addiction! I have WAY too many bad habits!! Just working on one as we speak ;)

Angela-la-la said...

Cheers, girls. As I'm still quite poorly I'm having brandy in my coffee and, ill or not, I plan absolutely mad, rampant sex at the end of this week so I still have my favourite vices!

Mike - No, I didn't know that. You're the Michael Caine to my Julie Walters ('cept with tats, in both cases!)

My other MM - Do you hear that whooshing noise? That's the sound of things going over my head! Mail me the blonde-proof version, would ya hun?

Mummy said...

They say its easy when you really truly do decide to do it.

I keep meaning to say CONGRATS! Now its 4 days already (5 by the time you read this prob) - fantastic!!!

Is the notgonnabejustgoodfriend A?

HKMGB said...

I don't admire you at all. Giving up smoking is easy, anyone can do it. I've given up fucking loads and I never gloated about it.

I think you should just start again, you know you want to and you know you're going to. You may as well nip down the shop, buy a pack of fags then text, mail and call your mates. You'll feel great. Trust me.

Angela-la-la said...

lambent - you're a cunt and I'll throw you in the river. Luv you too xx

HKMGB said...

Ta Luv xx

Hang in there.

Just... Why? said...

Good luck FB - my Wife quit so I know how difficult it is (at least from a third-party perspective!).

Think of all the cash you'll save, add that to the lower mobile bills and you'll have paid off the mortgage in 2 years (or something)

Anonymous said...

Well done, that is so great. But the lack of social contact would kill me more than the lack of nictotine. Can't you suck on a pencil or a fake fag or something or is that cheating?

Freddy said...

Is it 6 days now?
or 7?
We need to know. Or did you take lambent's advice?
Three of my oldest smoking friends have quit in the last 6 months or so. The two I work with quitting has saved me a fortune!
I think someday it just becomes your 'time to quit'.
Their's arrived, mine hasn't yet. I hope yours has, it is a filthy and expensive habit. Good job it's not harmful too.

Angela-la-la said...

Thanks everyone xx

JW - if I could pay off the overdraft I'd be happy!

Emma - it's only one person I have to quit socially and it's proving much tougher than giving up the fags, I'm having to sit on my hands at times! I can't believe you couldn't think of anything more exciting to suck than a pencil - have a drink, woman!

Freddy - It's now day 7 and although I've had a few moments of 'habitually reaching out' I wouldn't call them cravings at all. When your time is right you'll know and you'll do it.

Joanna Cake said...

I had to read it twice to work out that you werent giving up alcohol as well! I say let the bugger stew and come crawling and that means no covering for him either!!!

Angela-la-la said...

'Alcohol' and 'give up' in the same sentence?! You should know me better than that cakeytits!

Much as A is an arse, it's not him I'm having to cut off from, I still have to teach and train with him after all. (But not cover, I even came home early on monday and left him to it cos I was ill, yay me!)