Monday, April 16

Procrastinating prat

I have lovely lessons planned for tonight's students.

I have discovered my new kitchen blind is too narrow so

I have tidied up all my tools and separated my nails and screws according to size.

I have the cleanest oven in the land.

I have the neatest pile of bath towels in any airing cupboard, ever.

I have still not completed my impact statement.

If you see me start to go through and attach labels to my posts, please find me and strap me to the keyboard till the fucking thing is finally done.


Troika said...

Why have you got all those Arctic Monkeys songs up there but not 'I'd Still Take You Home'?

That's the best one you muppet!

Angela-la-la said...

Because I'm flipping between 'whatever' and the new album and it only shows the last ten songs, cyclemush!

Click the pink handcuffs and you'll get a better idea of what I play.

Oh yeah, forget my kisses once more and you'll get yer arse kicked. Somehow.


MommyHeadache said...

My mother used to say that obsessive tidying up was a sign of sexual frustration...I'm saying nuthin' ;)

Peach said...

aw, yeah, all that self-distraction - but you do say "not completed" so at least you've made a start...Hows yer bum!?

Vi said...

I you REALLY want a distraction, come over and clean my house!