Tuesday, April 17

Sitting on my shoulders

Something interesting I found on Mike's site about how you see yourself and how others see you. I've done something similar with real life people when I studied psychology (I got bored with the stats work and threw it in in the second year. So much for my degree!) but I'm interested to see if there's any difference between my awareness of myself and my online personality.

Feel free to be anonymous, I'd much prefer honesty to names! There's one for nice traits and one for not so nice, all you have to do is go and click six words of each that you think apply to me. And then get your own, of course...

Angel words

Devil words


Mungo said...

Done (with honesty) as requested. The devil words was very hard - some seemed very harsh.

Hope you find this a useful exercise, and not counter productive.


Midnight said...

Also done. I agree with M, a bit tricky trying to come up with so many devil words, but had a bash at it.

I've done these kind of things through work and they can be very good.

Do you think your 'online persona' is close to your real persona and where do you think the differences lie if there are any?

Angela-la-la said...

Thanks for the input, guys.

Mungo - don't worry, sweetie. I've told you a thousand times, I'm not about to slit my wrists in Trafalgar Square if people think I'm an exaggerating drama queen ;-)

Middy - I think I'm fairly similar on and offline but I've been doing some thinking the last few days (along with a massive post that I keep dipping into to add bits) and in light of that I thought this would be interesting for me.

Troika said...

Can I be honest here?

I think it's a complete load of poo.

Ariel said...

Can't oblige as I haven't been reading you long enough but that particular piece on Mike's site also caught my attention. My uneducated guess would be that most people are pretty true to life while a handful go and invent one completely different personality. But as I said, this is an uneducated guess - I can only speak for myself, and I am very much the same online as offline, snot and all.

Angela-la-la said...

Troika, I guessed that by your choices, you plank. Religious, indeed.

Ariel, I think you're right. What interests me most is how much even true to life people may play up certain areas of their persona and dampen others. I can't say too much as I don't want to influence people's choices but I think this will lead to an interesting post, over and above the personal value for me.

Peach said...

Ok - done - of course I don't really know you honey and have only met you on-line in the past 2-3 weeks or so, so this is probably best read as my first (on-line) impression - so only done the Angel ones... the other's wouldn't be fair or accurate...X

Vi said...

Done - I hated doing the devil one, couldn't find enough to answer, but thought I'd better since you asked. You've got more Angels than devils baby!!!!

Joanna Cake said...

Like vi said, the devil one was impossible. The only thing that applied to you was insecure since they didnt have stubborn down there!

Anonymous said...

I didn't do the devil one. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I think you're brave and lovely.

Nuff said.

Mummy said...

I couldnt do the devil one, i only found aloof and loud. and it wouldnt let me just do two. i may have done stubborn or obstinate i it had been there too.