Thursday, May 22

Ken Dodd's dad's dogs died

I never realised how close I'd allowed myself to get to the mate that sits next to me at college till she texted to say she'd be coming in late due to her kids being upset over their dog being put to sleep the day before.

As we've had two intense days of written tests and assessments, in silence and at different to normal stations, I've hardly spoken to her.

I mailed her tonight to finally express my condolences. And tell her that I miss her.

I like my mate, a lot. I like more that I can finally give a shit about someone without feeling that I've sacrificed myself to do so.

RIP, Tazzy


Anonymous said...

But Ken Dodd's Dad's dog's dead??

Michelle said...

s it should be with friends....(though is not always the case). :)