Friday, May 2

Knicker nicker

I say knickers, it's also bras. And socks. Mostly the boys, partly because they're smelly and partly because they're usually left around within easy reach.

Basically if anything is missing you can bet you'll find it in the dog's den. The dog that has fast learned that being told off is over much sooner if you can master this look...

My little blogging heart cockles have been warmed by the people that are joining in with Blog every day in May. Thank you all for the support and good luck!


Joanna Cake said...

Hmmm... the puppy dog eye look. Guaranteed to make you give up your pants :)

Ariel said...

Er... the dog nicks the boys' bras? What kind of household is that?! The daily blog idea is excellent but regrettably not one I can commit to I'm afraid because t'internet access will be patchy soon. However, I have taken it as my cue to write a little more and a little more often this month. So thanks for the kick up the jacksie, as it were. Oh, and Cake may be right - time to go commando, it's spring after all.

Angela-la-la said...

Cakeytits - I will make sense of your comment by remembering that your pants are fall smaller than mine.

Ariel - My darling friend, if only you blogged every three/four days this month I would consider that a worthy and welcome May I? contribution. More people than you know care about you and your life and I'm proud to say I count amongst that number from the early days.