Monday, May 26

Twisted ad men

Yeah, I missed posting yesterday. May I have a day off of May I? Of course I may, it was my stupid idea in the first place! (Personally I think this entry is definitely two, even three days worth of blogging being that it encompasses sex, satire and pop culture all in one post. Read three blogs in the tea-break? Not me, I use fussybitch!)

Anyway, on to the post...

Is it just me that thinks this looks like a chocolate penis?

Even viewed in context it's still extremely phallic (and circumsised so the merkins will love it as much as the brits), is it not?

Given that, does the fact that it then does this...

strike you as a bit, well, 'money shot'?

Ooh! Some more thoughts for you, in case you don't have your own...

Does it not make you curious as to why Cadbury's appear to have had ChiChi Larue direct adverts for their saleable-all-year-long variation on the Creme Egg?

And then, does it not make you wonder just who the ad creators were aiming at?

See the whole thing here. Hit pause at 00.25 and then at 00.26 to prove that I didn't photoshop the previous pictures. Or that I was sad/obsessed enough to not only notice this shit but blog it...


Michelle said...

You are not crazy; it does look a bit like a chocolate penis.

(*tries not to think very much about it*)

Daren said...

It's a very odd ad. I have no idea at all why they don't just sell Creme Eggs all year round... some people just have to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Vi said...

Gawd, just shows I haven't been in front of the TV for DAYS cause I haven't seen that one yet! LMAO!!!

I forgive you for one day..cause like... I missed about 3 I think!

Joanna Cake said...

Bloody lightweights!

And Ive been having sex too!

Im afraid I have no idea why they felt the need to do that with the Creme Egg to make it sell all year long. Just what is it supposed to be?

Personally, I find the innards quite disgusting. Give me spunk any time ;P

Fat Controller said...

WTF!!! Are they actually showing that on Brit TV? Before or after the watershed????

Think of the children!!!! For Gods' sake will no-one think of the children?!!!!!