Sunday, November 4


Bill Gates knew what he was doing when he integrated this game into windows. I've never been a card player despite my East End roots but lately even I can lose myself, engrossed in using a spade to dig for a diamond, placing blacks on reds and just gagging for the opportunity to free up a stack and lay a king.

When you're running a one minute mental mile just to slide backwards slightly slower and trying to look like a duck at the same time (oh you know, all calm on top with any leg flailing carefully hidden just under the surface), when all the cunty little things in life join forces and become more than the sum of their parts, turning into one absolutely fucking huge, monster sized, fire-breathing beast with many massive and extremely sharp fangs, when every new day just brings another sledgehammer or six to join the band of carpenters in your head that attempt irony as they bang 'we've only just begun' on every synapse and serotonin uptaker you possess.

When all around you are keeping their heads because you are losing yours silently..?

That's really playing solitaire.


Vi said...

Oh so fucking true my dear. Hence why I'm also a fan of solitaire. Takes your mind off the other shit going on in your life for a little while (or hours on end for me sometimes!)

Will said...

That's why Gates earns the big bucks...

Joanna Cake said...

*Holds fingers up in sign of cross* Begone you temptress! I will not waste any more of my day on the distractions offered by this machine!

Wild Cat said...

I'll admit that I haven't played it in years - after reading this I don't think I'll reaquaint myself either x

Michelle said...

That's the same reason I broke out my old Nintendo today.

Peach said...

my addiction is tetris, weaned myself off solitaire a few years ago, just about

Constance said...

Good Monday morning to you, Angela !
it helps me de-stress too...
Bill Gates is smart in alot of ways.

Chris King said...

If you ask Andy Williams he'll tell you its the only game in town!

Anonymous said...

lucky your teeth don't hurt as well, don't have the time to play the games, I went on my daughters play station one saturday morning, and something like eight hours later....
Its all bad.....
I have a disc with all the retro games on it, space invaders, and such, once you start to play you loose your day x

Rimshot said...

"...look like a duck..."

That's brilliant! I'm stealing it.

Midnight said...

I was just about to comment then when the waitress in the cafe I'm in called number 69 out - a tune salad, and now I've completely lost my train of thought!

Miss Tickle said...

It's spider solitaire that gets me. Hours. Wasted time. And wonderful solace. x

Anonymous said...

sorry honey, your been tagged over at mine, x

always kris said...

mine is Spider Solitaire. sometimes just sit and play it in order to waste time so then I can go to bed... :-)

Anonymous said...

i did read about you and vi, loved it too. xx
you naughty girl xx