Monday, May 21

Wordpress hates me

Any comment I make on wordpress blogs disappears recently.

I'm not happy about being here with the spam.

It smells. Nigerians keep trying to sell me viagra and pass on stock market tips with weird titles. Anglers keep trying to pinch bits off me to use as bait.

If you have a wordpress blog and you've not had any inanity from me of late, please rescue me. It's dark in here.

Ten queue mush lee.


Unknown said...

I hate getting comments full of shit on my blog. it's like oh come on, who is actually going to click on it?

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is not good, no. Though I must confess that my tendencies towards paranoia have been somewhat eased on discovering that it's not just *my* blog that is banning your comments. So it is nothing personal, then. :)

Angela-la-la said...

Word verification is your friend, jo! Welcome.

Nothing personal for you, witness my dear. Confirmation for me that they really are all after me!

Annie said...

I hate that so many people are abandoning Blonker for Wordpress. I feel cheated on, somehow.

Anonymous said...

Blogger still does everything I want it to. I still heart it.

Suze said...

You need to set up WordPress comment filters in your settings.

You can then have the pleasure of pressing the delete button and watching them all disappear from moderation. :)

funny sparky said...

I get a heck of a lot of spam via another page I had, selling me allsorts as you described, penis extensions, viagra, stock market tips and all in differing languages too as it linked worlwide! Thank goodness these laptops come with a delete facility!