Friday, September 14

PMS (Poxy Mental Synapses)

Ick. My mind is all over the place of late and this post will no doubt reflect the lack of a mental A-Z, let alone sat-nav in my psyche so be warned, dear reader, and take care lest this madness is contagious.

Babygirl is settled into BIG SCHOOL and loving it. Me? I'm still having problems, not least of which is trying to explain to her just why Babyboy doesn't even so much as acknowledge her presence in the cafe without using the terms aspergers or autistic spectrum as, apparently, they l a b e l and, as such, l i m i t him but, other than that, and to paraphrase a famous book, she's ok so I'm teaching myself to be.

That said, this week I'm not only my standard can't-get-my-words-out but also manic pre-menstrual, as well as trying to fight off the ever present dark cloud of depression that loiters with great big bastard menaces whenever life appears to be moving in a good direction. Hence my feeling that if my precious Babygirl throws just one more pre-teen female strop over the tiniest threat of ten minutes detention just because an exercise book isn't covered in sticky-back plastic without a single crease I may just have to ask Drs McCann to write one of their (allegedly) special prescriptions.

Did that sound harsh? Ah bollocks, why am I even asking - of course it did! In my defence, what pisses me off most about this is that it tells me she just doesn't know, on her most basic levels, that I will meet and beat anyone that dares make her feel so threatened over such trivial bollockness. Does that mean that she hasn't heard anything I've told her about my protecting her? It certainly feels like it to me and by jingo it stings my soul. More than iodine on a fresh wound or a paper cut dipped in lemon juice does it sting. All I ever wanted, needed, my children to know is that I absolutely will protect them from harm whilst simultaneously encouraging them to be the best they can be in the world, use sunscreen and not drop litter. Times like this make me feel all these years of putting the work in have been in vain.

ION - Bing and I remain quite sickeningly happy together. He's arranged his work to spend more time here (such are the benefits of contracting and remote working) which not only means I get to be in his arms and in awe of his fantastic intelligence more often but things like teacher training clashing with my needing to be at college simply aren't a problem.

We talk just as much as each other about anything and everything and, as fellow geminis, understand the weird, flitty way both our minds work. Oh, and when he's not here I get flowers (yes - again!)

I know it's a sad soppy cliche but it really does feel like we've found our other halves.


Vi said...

My god, he talks as much as you?

Surely that's not possible?


Angela-la-la said...

I knew you and middy wouldn't believe but it's true - he does!

Morgan said...

Soppy cliches are always true. Congratulations, he sounds like a good find.

MommyHeadache said...

I am so glad things are still rosy with Bing. So the adage is true, all good things come to those who wait.

Joanna Cake said...

But of course the big question is....

...does his half have the ability to cover text/exercise books with unwrinkled sticky back plastic? x

Angela-la-la said...

To be honest he's been far too busy fixing light switches/my car fuses and mowing my lawn to sort her books but it's ok, I've got it covered :)

Thank you and welcome, Morgan!

Emma - yep, some of us just have to wait longer than others :)

Rick Rockhill said...

I think its great that its working out so well. Usually guys don't have much to say but to grumble. other than when we want some action, that is!

n said...

My kids are now both at school, just little school though. You do your best to equip them with what you think is important but i just hope that they are happy little souls. I pray they don't have the depression that i get. Hope your horrid cloud doesn't stick around. xN

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Aww, sticky back plastic aside, it all sounds so wonderful. I'm so pleased for you! x

Anonymous said...

Ah he sounds lovely. How is college going, do you love it?
Thats mean that your poor little dudette has to put up with such shit from school, lord know she'd be nervous anyway. Beat them Angela beat them good, you have my blessing.

Peach said...

heh heh heh, yeah, get superman to cover the books!

soooooooooooo good to read how things are going with him my dear Angie xxx

Helena said...

Covering jotters are apain in the bum - I can never get the folds right and end up ripping the spine! I can get right moody myself if I bugger it up!

Annie said...

"I may just have to ask Drs McCann to write one of their (allegedly) special prescriptions"

Haha, I can't believe you said that. Actually I can.

Glad to hear the romance is going well.


Michelle said...

Oh my god, he mows your lawn? And changes fuses and lightbulbs?

As a woman who once had a boyfriend who managed to light a dishwasher on fire, I salute you!

Ms Robinson said...

You are a lucky, fussy arsed bitch and it's not a sad cliche. What you have sounds real and most people think they have it, but they don't. Isn't it great when life eventually works out?

Anonymous said...

nice one ang, love it, really pleased for you,
ps, was the book a bit of a sticky patch./situation sorry had to lay it, x

Vi said...

Oi! Get off Bings face and start blogging again girl!